Certificate II in Drilling Operations

$2000.00 GST Free.

Discounted rates for group bookings may apply.

Enquire Now Employer Enrolment
  • Qualification Description

    This qualification reflects the role of individuals such as drillers assistant or offsider,  This role involves performing a broad range of tasks in a wide variety of drilling contexts while under the supervision of a Driller or senior crew member.

    Licensing, legislative, regulatory and certification requirements that apply to this qualification can vary between states, territories, and industry sectors. Relevant information must be sourced prior to application of the qualification.

    For full Qualification details visit: https://training.gov.au/Training/Details/RII20920

  • Qualification Schedule

    Blended Delivery

    NNZMC Pty Ltd T/a Industry Skills Solutions RTO 45974 offers this qualification through a blended delivery pathway.

    This includes the use of our enhanced online learning platform and in-workplace training and assessment (face to face). 

    This delivery method is ideal for new entrants to the drilling industry.

    The expected completion timeline for this Qualification is 12 months.

    Recognised Prior Learning (RPL) 

    NNZMC Pty Ltd T/a Industry Skills Solutions RTO 45974 offers this qualification through a Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) pathway.

    The RPL process recognises your existing experience gained through life or work for which you may not have obtained a formal qualification. We will work with you to identify your existing skills and assess if you can then achieve a full or partial qualification. This also helps to avoid unnecessary duplication of training, saving you time and money.

    Under an RPL pathway you will be required to gather and submit valid, current (preferably under 12 months old, however assessment of currency remains the discretion of the Assessor), authentic and sufficient evidence to demonstrate your existing drilling knowledge and skills to meet the qualification requirements.

    RPL Entry Requirements

    Participants should already be employed as a Drillers Assistant or Offsider, with a minimum of 12 months experience in the role or have prior drillers assistant experience and have access to a drill site/sufficient evidence where competencies can be demonstrated and/or verified.

    The expected completion timeline for this Qualification is 12 months.

  • Fees

    The total course fees for this Qualification is $2000.00 GST Free, This is comprised of an enrolment fee of $1500.00 GST Free and a completion fee of $500.00 GST Free.

  • Career Opportunities

    Job roles and titles vary across different sectors. Possible career opportunities related to this qualification include:

    • Drillers Assistant
    • Trainee Driller
    • Offsider
  • Entry Requirements

    An individual undertaking this course on behalf of NNZMC PTY LTD T/a Industry Skills Solutions will need to demonstrate the following to be eligible for entry:

    • Participants must be 18 years and over
    • ID is required
    • A Unique Student Identifier (USI) Number (or exemption). This is required prior to enrolments being processed. To obtain a USI number, please go to www.usi.gov.au to register.
    • Online study/evidence submission: Students must have access to a computer, smartphone, tablet or other electronic devices with access to the internet to complete the online studies/evidence submission.
    • Participants must be employed in a role allowing relevant practical work to be completed via a workplace supported pathway.
    • Participants must have the physical capability to be able to meet the demands of the practical skills demonstration (if required)
    • Participants must wear enclosed shoes/safety shoes and comfortable/practical clothing (if required)
    • Language, literacy and numeracy requirements - students must be able to read and correctly interpret required documentation relevant to drilling operations, speak clearly and unambiguously in English, explain, describe and verify sometimes complex needs and issues and understand the risk assessment requirements. Writing is required to the level of completing workplace forms and producing any required reports. Numeracy is required to the level of being able to correctly calculate hole depth, mud weights and down hole equipment length.
  • Units of Competency

    The following provides the packaging rules for this qualification, followed by the list of relevant units of competency. Total number of units = 12

    8 core units plus

    4 elective units, of which:

    • at least one (1) must be chosen from Group A
    • no more than three (3) may be chosen from Group B 
    • no more than one (1) may be chosen from within this training package, or from another endorsed training package, or from an accredited course. 

    All elective units selected from outside this qualification must reflect current occupational and learning outcomes of this AQF qualification level. 

    There are both licensed and non-licensed units of competency relating to high risk work in the Resources and Infrastructure Industry Training Package. 

    To be appointed under any statutory requirements in related roles, units of competency should be selected to meet the state/territory licensing requirements. There are no prerequisites to imported units listed in this qualification. 

    Where a unit is imported as an elective care must be taken to ensure that all prerequisites specified are complied with.


    • BSBWOR203 Work effectively with others
    • RIICOM201E Communicate in the workplace
    • RIIENV201E Identify and assess environmental and heritage concerns
    • RIINHB201E Load, secure and unload drilling equipment and materials
    • RIINHB202E Set up and pack up drill sites
    • RIINHB203E Support drilling processes
    • RIIRIS201E Conduct local risk control
    • RIIWHS201E Work safely and follow WHS policies and procedures


    To be decided upon on enrolment, with a formal training plan issued.

  • Further Training Pathways

    After completing this course you may wish to further your studies with:

    • RII31820 Certificate III in Drilling Operations or; 
    • RII40920 Certificate IV in Drilling Operations or;
    • Other relevant Diploma qualifications
  • Assessment

    Individuals undertaking this Qualification with NNZMC PTY LTD T/a Industry Skills Solutions may be expected to complete a submission of evidence/student portfolio, verbal, written and practical assessment tasks.

    For full assessment, requirements go to: https://training.gov.au/

  • Support Provided

    HMC Group Solutions & NNZMC Pty Ltd T/a Industry Skills Solutions RTO 45974 provides ongoing support to students throughout the duration of their studies via email, phone and face-to-face.

  • National Recognition

    NNZMC Pty Ltd T/a Industry Skills Solutions RTO 45974 recognises qualifications and statements of attainment issued by other Registered Training Organisations and under the Australian Qualifications Framework.

  • Learners Rights & Responsibilities

    Please note that enrolment to this course is made with NNZMC PTY LTD T/a Industry Skills Solutions RTO # 45974.

    Please refer to the student handbook located on the RTO website https://www.industryskillssolutions.com.au/training for all details relating to rights and responsibilities, including complaints and appeals.

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